Well its been over a month since I came back from Japan and quickly it is all feeling like a distant memory. I'm just going through the mundane every day life I had before I left. Wake up, mess around the house for a few hours, go to work, come home, mess around some more go to bed. Its the same thing almost every single day. I don't get out and do anything cool any more. I don't even see my friends that often, I've only seen Cameron a hand full of times since I've been back. I tried to make plans with him but I felt like I was in Japan again in the sense that we both had to take a look at our schedules and plan something a week from now. It was so cool in Japan spending all of that time with everyone. I just had to send out an email saying "anyone want to go see a movie?" and I would have a group to go do something with.
I'm still having a hard time being back in America. I don't like driving, I didn't like it that much before and now I really dislike it. Cars are expensive, dangerous and require all of your attention to drive them. I really miss the trains, you just wait a few minutes, board the train and just read a book or play a game. Its so easy. I also really don't care for the food. I have a really hard time finding stuff to eat for lunch because nothing looks good. Also I never feel good after eating American food. I know I put a few pounds on in Japan but man I really want Japanese cooking.
Another big thing that is bothering me is the fact that no one is impressed with the fact that I know Japanese. Like no body cares that I spent a year in Japan. I mean thats a really cool thing, I know a lot about Japan now, I can read manga and watch anime raw now! Before I went I thought anyone who could do those things was really cool but now no one thinks I'm cool. Its so unfair. I even get some people now and again who still think they know more about Japan then I do. I don't get it what do I have to do for people to think highly of me?
I feel as if being here, working at walmart, and the way no one seems to care about my accomplishments, is all trying to get me to forget all that I did. Like I am supposed to just go back to being just a normal guy. I mean like in Japan I was someone special. No celebrity or anything like that but Japanese people were really impressed with the fact that I knew Japanese. And like there were lots of downsides too but in a crowd of people in Japan I stood out. I dunno I guess I just miss being special.
I guess for now I am just running down the clock until school starts. At least once school starts I can take institute classes to hopefully make more friends, have Friday nights off to do more stuff and have Saturdays free to finally go to TASS meetings. I hope between all of that I can somehow get a girlfriend because I really need one of those right now.
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